Land Eco Consulting Provide Affordable, Expert Ecologist/Biodiversity Approval and Compliance Advice across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, Australia
Land Eco Consulting provide Flora and Fauna Reports (including 5 Part Test of Significance) for development applications (DA) in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Valley, North Coast, Wollongong, South Coast and Regional NSW Australia.
For more information about Flora & Fauna Reports click here.
Land Eco Consulting provide Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) to assist clients in meeting their biodiversity impact assessment and offset requirements for development applications (DA) and state significant developments (SSD) in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Valley, North Coast, Wollongong, South Coast and Regional NSW Australia. Our staff team includes Accredited Biodiversity Assessors.
Land Eco Consulting provide Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) and Vegetation Management Plans (VMP) for development applications (DA) and state significant developments (SSD) to address the requirements of Council and the Water Management Act 2000. We provide this service for clients in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Valley, North Coast, Wollongong, South Coast and Regional NSW Australia.
State Significant Developments (SSD) ,State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) and Designated Development projects usually trigger the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme.
Some SSD, SSI and DDA projects do not involve removal of native vegetation and therefore do not need a BDAR. In such cases you can apply for a BDAR Waiver. Land Eco can prepare this for you. Our staff team includes Accredited Biodiversity Assessors.
If you have New South Wales Land and Environment Court matter and require the services of an expert court witness in the areas of Ecology, Biodiversity, Botany or Zoology, contact Land Eco Consulting today.
For more information about Ecologist Expert Witness services click here.
If you have land and wish to establish a Biodiversity Offset Site, or Biodiversity Stewardship Site, contact us to help you through the process.
Our staff team includes Accredited Biodiversity Assessors. We can help you find offsets for your project, or help you establish a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement on your property.
For more information about Biodiversity Offsets and Credits click here.
Land Eco BAM Accredited Biodiversity Assessor & Ecologists Helping Clients with DA & SSD Approval.
Under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 people who propose developments in bushfire prone lands may require an 'Asset Protection Zone' (APZ) around their property to clear vegetation and remove associated bushfire hazards. Management of APZ usually requires a Management Plan such as a Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) or Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP). Land Eco can prepare these reports for your complete with clear maps and instructions for effective management.
For more information click here.
Under the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 people who inhabit bushfire prone lands may be eligible to legally clear native trees within 10 metres and shrubs within 50 metres of a habitable dwelling without the need for a DA. There are other local, state and Commonwealth laws that must be considered first. Contact Land Eco for advice on whether your land is eligible for 10/50. Land Eco can assess your land, map the areas eligible for clearing, prepare a due diligence report and provide peace of mind.
Many Councils in Greater Sydney and New South Wales require proponents to engage a Project Ecologist to meet DA Conditions of Consent.
The Project Ecologist oversees the implementation of Consent Conditions relating to biodiversity such as habitat/hollow-bearing tree removal, nest box supply and installation, salvage and relocation of logs/coarse woody debris and monitoring areas of landscaping or retained native vegetation.
For more information about Project Ecologist services click here.
Land Eco provide our expert Ecologists, Botanists and Zoologists to undertake targeted surveys for species credit species and threatened species on your development site or stewardship site.
For more information about Threatened Species surveys click here.
Land Eco Consulting can provide high-quality mapping of noxious and environmental weeds. We can also provide recommendations for weed control as part of a management plan. Contact Land Eco for a weed management plan.
Land Eco provide our expertise in management of native and exotic pests. We prepare, thorough, effective pest management plans complete with maps and recommendations. Species include Fox, Rabbit, Cat, Goat, Deer, Pig, Rabbit, Myna, Starling, Brush Turkey, Sea Gull, Ibis, Swallow, Cockatoo, Galah, Crow/Raven, Plover and Magpie.
Land Eco Consulting are a team of Environmental Consultants who prepare Review of Environmental Factors (REF) reports for local Council and state government public works projects under Part 5 of the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 in Sydney, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Valley, North Coast, Wollongong, South Coast and the rest of Regional NSW Australia..
Land Eco Consulting provide Koala Reports for development applications (DA) in Sydney, Campbelltown, Port Stephens Port Macquarie, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter Valley, North Coast, Byron Shire, Wollongong, South Coast and the rest of Regional NSW Australia..
Land Eco Consulting provide Ecologist and Biodiversity expert advice to help you meet the requirements for your Green Star Buildings or Green Star Communities application.
For more information about our services for Green Star click here.
Land Eco Ecologists Sydney, Newcastle, North Coast, Wollongong, SOuth Coast, Regional NSW, Australia
Copyright © 2025 Land Eco Consulting ABN 48636918404 - All Rights Reserved.
BAM Accredited|Ecologists|BDAR|Flora|Fauna|VMP