What is a Flora and Fauna Report?
A Flora and Fauna Assessment Report also known as a Ecological Impact Assessment Report, or Biodiversity Assessment Report is an assessment report that identifies all potential threatened species and/or ecological communities located on the development site and the surrounding landscape.
The following reports have different names, as set by the relevant council/regulatory authority, but all are prepared by a qualified Ecologist such as Land Eco Consulting. Each of these reports provide the same information as a Flora and Fauna Report:
A Flora and Fauna report is examined by the regulatory authority (usually a local Council or NSW Department Agency) to determine the potential impacts of a proposed development on the identified species or ecological communities.
A Flora and Fauna report must always address section 7.3 of the New South Wales (NSW) Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 known as the 'Test of Significance' (ToS) or '5 Part Test' . It must be prepared in accordance with the Threatened Species Test of Significance Guidelines .
If you are submitting a Development Application (DA) to Council your Flora and Fauna Report report must be produced by a suitably qualified Ecologist such as Land Eco Consulting, and will need to address relevant Development Control Plan (DCP) and Local Environmental Plan (LEP) controls.
When is a Flora and Fauna Assessment Report Required?
A Flora and Fauna Assessment Report is required for any development proposed on a property that contains, native vegetation, native trees, or is adjacent to native vegetation (e.g. National Parks, bushland reserves, wildlife corridors, coastal protection areas, or native vegetation on private property).
A Flora and Fauna Report is usually required to assess impacts from clearing of native vegetation, removal of trees, or habitat for threatened species. Vegetation clearing may be required for a new dwelling, shed, garage, warehouse, school building, deck, pool, road, driveway, building, jetty. The report may also be required to assess impacts of vegetation management / clearing for bushfire control, such as for an Asset Protection Zone (APZ).
Sometimes a proposed development site has been historically cleared, and contains no trees or obvious ecology / biodiversity, yet the regulatory authority may still request a Flora and Fauna Report to assess indirect impacts of your project upon Ecological features that occur outside of your development site or landholding.
The regulator, often a local Council, will use the Flora and Fauna Report to make a determination of how proposal will directly or indirectly impact on these areas, vegetation or natural features of the location.
Land Eco Consulting provide Flora and Fauna Assessment Reports including 'Five [5] Part' Tests of Significance' pursuant to section 7.3 of the New South Wales (NSW) Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 for clients seeking Development Application (DA) approval throughout Sydney, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Central Coast, South Coast, Southern Highlands, Illawarra, North Coast and regional New South Wales, Australia.
This type of Report is often required for Development Applications (DA) including residential, industrial and agricultural that are assessed by a local Council under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
A Flora and Fauna Report should only be prepared by a qualified Ecologist such as the qualified experts at Land Eco Consulting.
The Flora and Fauna Report will identify the impacts (if any) to threatened species, populations and/or ecological communities listed under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 that occur on or around the site of the proposed DA.
Flora and Fauna Reports must be written in a particular manner and contain enough detail for Council to make an informed decision on whether to approve/reject the DA on the ground of adequate impact mitigation to any threatened species, population or community.
What if my Development has a Significant Impact on Biodiversity?
Most of the time your Ecologists will conclude that your development will not cause a significant impact on biodiversity and this is expressed through the Test of Significance and detailed in the Flora and Fauna Report. You will submit this report to Council with your DA application.
On occasions:
If this happens, your Ecologist will explain this to you and help you understand your options to proceed with your project, which may include:
1. Altering your development plans to avoid a significant impact before DA submission, or
2. Preparing a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) to submit with your DA.
What if my development is located in the 'Purple' area on the Biodiversity Values Map?
If your DA is located in the 'purple' area of the NSW Biodiversity Values Map (BV Map). Then it is likely your DA will require a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) instead of a Flora and Fauna Report, unless you can apply to remove the 'purple' from that part of your property through the BV Map Review process. Land Eco can help you through the BV Map Review, or BDAR process.
Do I require a Test of Significance for a Public Works Activity subject to an REF?
If there is any chance that your public works activity (subject to Part 5 of the NSW EP&A Act) could impact upon native vegetation or threatened species and their habitat, then you should engage an Ecologist to prepare a Test of Significance / Flora and Fauna Report to form an appendix to your Review of Environmental Factors (REF).
Land Eco Consulting can help your project through to approval
Contact Land Eco Consulting for a free quote for a Flora & Fauna Report / Test of Significance to help your project application:
M: 0408 765 832
Flora and Fauna Report Ecologist Sydney & Regional New South Wales, Australia.
Speak to one of our approachable Ecologist Experts to arrange a free quote on your next Flora and Fauna Report.
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