Land Owners and Developers looking to undertake a development application (DA), designated development (DDA) or State Significant Development (SSD) such as a new dwelling, warehouse, estate or subdivision under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.
Such clients may need to prepare one (or more) of the following reports for Council approval:
Local Councils and State Government Agencies looking to undertake a public works activity Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 or State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) Infrastructure. Such clients may need to prepare one (or more) of the following reports for approval:
People looking to buy land in NSW in order to establish a Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement and generate biodiversity offset credits in accordance with the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme. Such clients may need to provide one (or more) of the following reports :
Land Eco Consulting can assist you with all of the above assessments and reports.
With a combined experience set of over 50 years in Environmental and Ecological Consulting, the expert Ecologists and Environmental Scientists at Land Eco can help you with your project approval and compliance needs.
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