The Secretary (or delegate) of the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) can waive the requirement for a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) when proponents of State Significant Infrastructure (SSI or State Signifiant Developments (SSD) can clearly demonstrate that the proposed development is not likely to have a significant impact on biodiversity values.
Proponents who submit a Development Application (DA) are not eligible to apply for a BDAR waiver.
Examples of situations where an SSD or SSI may apply for a BDAR Waiver include internal fitouts to an existing building or development on a previously cleared site that does not contained any habitats that could be used by a threatened species.
For the purpose of deciding whether the requirement for a BDAR can be waived, a proposed development could be considered as unlikely to have any significant impact on biodiversity values if it:
DPIE can refuse a BDAR waiver application and there is no mechanism to appeal their decision. In the event they refuse a BDAR waiver, you will be required to engage the services of an Accredited Biodiversity Assessor to prepare a BDAR Where there is reasonable doubt regarding potential impacts, or where information is not made available to the Department, a BDAR will be required.
Contact Land Eco Consulting for assistance in preparing and submitting a BDAR Waiver for your SSD or SSI Project.
Speak to one of our approachable Ecologist Experts to arrange a free quote on your next BDAR or BDAR Waiver application.
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