Land Eco are always looking for great new talent to join our team of like-minded professionals.
If you have tertiary qualifications in Ecology, Biodiversity, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Earth Science, Geography, Geographical Information Systems, Planning or similar, we would love to hear from you!
Employment Opportunity - Ecologists and Botanists
Location: Sydney, NSW
We are currently on the lookout for Senior, Experienced, Mid-level, and Junior / Graduate Ecologists and Botanists with the right experience and skill sets.
You must be open to travel for extended periods of time 10+ days in a row, to remote locations.
We are open to employing people on working tourist VISA.
Employment Opportunity - Senior/Principal Ecologists / Environmental Scientists
Location: Kingscliff, NSW
We are interested in experienced Ecologists and Environmental Scientists (Senior and Principal Level) to help us manage our Northern Rivers / Tweed / Gold Coast Office.
How to apply:
Send your CV and cover letter to:
Be sure to include your first name, surname, desired job and location in the subject line (e.g. John Smith, Senior Ecologist, Sydney)
If you are interested in joining a team of like-minded professionals get in touch with Land Eco by sending your CV and Cover Letter to:
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BAM Accredited|Ecologists|BDAR|Flora|Fauna|VMP