Land Eco Consulting provide Ecologist and Zoologist (Ornithologist and Chiropterologist) consulting services to Wind Farm and Renewable Energy clients across Australia.
We perform impact assessment and monitoring surveys for a wide range of rare/threatened bird/avifauna and bat species for windfarm and other renewable energy project compliance.
Land Eco Consulting provide bird sound / call identification and forensic analysis (bone, feather carcass) services for clients including consultancies and industry across Australia.
Land Eco Consulting hold a large inventory of bird/bat acoustic recording equipment. We have undertaken extensive surveys deploying and analysing AnaBats, Wildlife Acoustics SongMeters, AudioMoths, Titley Chorus and more.
We analyse data using Wildlife Acoustics Kaleidoscope, AviaNZ, SoundID and more.
Our Principal Ecologist, Kurtis Lindsay, is a world-renowned Ornithologist with multiple publications and experience in bird identification dating back to 1998.
Kurtis is a Forensic Ornithologist and has acted as Expert Witness to the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, and provided Independent Expert services to the Australian Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).
When submitting State Significant Development (SSD) applications for renewable energy projects, particular Wind Turbine / Wind Farm projects in all states and territories of Australia, the state/territory and/or Commonwealth regulator will likely request that you assess and monitor the impacts of your project upon bird and bat fauna, particularly threatened species.
Land Eco Consulting can assist clients with their Wind Energy Projects across all of the New South Wales Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) including:
Land Eco Consulting are familiar with the survey requirements and guidelines for all Australian bat and avifauna/bird species that are listed threatened or protected under the state legislation or the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
Here are just a few of the bird species we have experience in surveying for impact assessment or compliance/monitoring:
Birds of Prey / Raptors
Migratory Wader Birds and Shorebirds
Parrots and Honeyeaters
Here are just a few of the bat species we have experience in surveying for impact assessment or compliance/monitoring:
If you would like advice regarding fauna surveys, bat surveys, bird surveys or raptor surveys for your next project anywhere in Australia, contact the experts at Land Eco Consulting.
Contact Land Eco Consulting for a Free Quote Today
P: 0408 765 832
For more information regarding Bird and Bat surveys for wind energy and renewables projects anywhere in Australia, contact the experts at Land Eco Consulting
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